Work Wear for Women

What to wear on work is a recurring question from Monday to Friday. Before giving styling tips on work wear,  I have many questions in mind which I want to ask my readers. It is something which I have observed in my career in the past 2 years. When I was in my grads, my imagination for dressing up at work was far different from the reality I experienced. I noticed that in every department and in every workplace employees have their own typical style  of getting dressed. I can easily recognise from which department they belong to by their appearance .

Why women don’t put their creative mind and add something different to their wardrobe for work. How we need to stop dressing boring to work?

And most importantly, if a women tries to change her way of dressing and tries to look more presentable and stylish at work not easily accepted by their collegues.

Why a woman who always comes dressed up to work is seen as a non performer and her entire image only revolves around her looks and not on the work she does. She might just be one of the brightest minds the company has but they simply won’t be considering it.

Definitely there should be a proper way to get dressed for your work. Not only do you have to consider the dress code where you work or where you are going, you have to consider whether an outfit is practical and suitable for you.

Every women has a right to look good and smart at work and it is HR job to keep a check on their attire and not anybody else’s’.

Moreover, what she wears after office is also a topic of conversation. How easily people can judge a person so harshly just by their appearance. Your appearance is directly related to your professionalism in this corporate world.

We need to decode the definition of professionally dressed? But haven’t we all seen the “sexy secretary” look in office? Do clothes really make the woman?

So here are few Work Wear Styles . Go ahead and stay stylish at your workplace.

  1. The Pencil Skirt Trend

Its my personal favourite.These slim pencil skirts for work with a classy shirt or a top will give a sexy and smart  look.


2. The Suit style

A simple trouser with a top and jacket gives a simple and bossy look.  Pair it with nude or heels and a statement necklace or a scarf  to highlight in case the top is quite simple. Ruffled tops look stylish and elegant when paired with plain trousers.

3. A line dress

A line dresses are another option if you don’t have much liking for skirts. it gives you a professional look and you can pair this with your jacket.


Lastly,  somebody said,”If you judge a woman as “unprofessionally” dressed, remember that she’s doing the best she can in the face of ambiguous guidelines and the body she’s been given. Remember that she’s attempting to navigate the professional world while striving for the most honorable thing of all — staying true to herself.

2 thoughts on “Work Wear for Women

  1. A really nice article on corporate grooming. The points are properly justified on feminine dressing and how important it is for one to maintain his corporate image. Especially I liked that part, when a woman comes well groomed she is misunderstood as non-performer. A person’s grooming is his style. Work and grooming shouldn’t be mixed. I really appreciate that you included such points that justifies the feminine spirit in corporate world. Again a good topic on grooming with touch of reality. Please continue your good work of writing in future articles too. Looking forward to new article.

    Prashant Badiger


    1. Hi prashant, thank you for liking my article. I have seen women around me and few of my friends experiencing such situations in office which really upsets me, hence thought to put this in my writing and express my views.

      I would come up with a new article soon.. Just not getting time.. Will be back with a good one.



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