POM POM Nails- Latest trend in Nail Art

Hi Gorgeous gals! If you have love for Nail art and want to give your nails a funky and colourful look in this season of colours this one is just for you.

You can stick those bright and fluffy pom pom to your nails in various styles. You can opt for this once a while but not for your everyday wear since its difficult to carry.

So here are few pom pom trends you would love to have for your nails atleast once. All you need to do to apply those pom pom to your nails is dab a little nail glue on top of your nail and press on a tiny pom pom.

One Statement Pom Pom


This one is for the minimalist. Keep it simple yet attractive.

NEON Pom Pom


If you wanna go for any neon colour, just make sure to keep the base simple and try wearing a nude shade.

Multiple Pom-Pom on one hand


For that complete funky look, try going for tiny pom pom on each nail.

Go bright with Pom Pom


A little horrendous look though, can give it a shot for your next insta pic 😉

Lets get to the real thing Now

Pom Poms are a bizarre trend now a days especially meant for your instagram look and is not actually taken sportingly by many people. It has actually become quite popular in Korea.

Washing your hands/ eating/ pricking your nose/ texting /scratching is just impossible with these colourful balls on your nails.

However, if you are one of those into into innovative nail art and like doing something extraordinary and experimental, this one is worth giving a try!

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